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Ines Deselaie
Jun 22, 20211 min read
Sustainable construction: a concrete revolution!
Our impact startup of the month of June is Vestack, a French startup that provides a sustainable way to reinvent the methods of...
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Jun 21, 20212 min read
Refurbished tech for the future
At a time when the planet is calling for more earth- friendly technology, refurbished second-hand devices might just be the answer. The...
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Ines Deselaie
Apr 29, 20212 min read
A bug in the food chain
Innovations that contribute to reduce food waste and gas emissions multiply in a wide range of sectors. Since 2017, the Bulgarian company...
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Ines Deselaie
Apr 15, 20212 min read
A small ball to roll, a giant relief for millions of women
African and South Asian women are used to carry litres of water on their head for kilometres every day. Although “head loading” is the...
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Mar 15, 20212 min read
Solar fridges at war with food waste in Kenya
By addressing the issue of post-harvest losses and spoiled food in developing countries, the multi-awarded Kenyan start-up Solar Freeze...
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