In their new book, "Rethinking humanity", Tony Seba and James Arbib tell us how how we are "approaching the fastest, deepest and most consequential technological disruption in history".
(Source: RethinkX)
They believe that this radical shift will come from 5 major disruptions in information, energy, transport, food and material, with the following emerging technologies:
"Information: 5G, broadband, small satellite networks, unmanned aerial vehicles
Energy: solar, wind, batteries
Transport: batteries, fleet-charging networks, support for AVs, and integration and conversion of rail and public transit with Transportation as a Service (TaaS)
Food: distributed, localized, precision fermentation production hubs
Materials: building production capacity for proteins and organic materials through precision fermentation".
If you want to know more about it, here is the full article from Fast Company:
And if you want to download the entire book, you can do it on their website: