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Jun 21, 20212 min read
Refurbished tech for the future
At a time when the planet is calling for more earth- friendly technology, refurbished second-hand devices might just be the answer. The...
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Colette Barbier
Jun 8, 20214 min read
World Ocean Day: discover 6 startups on a mission to save the ocean
Today, Tuesday 8th June is the World Ocean Day 2021, a United Nations (UN) day to raise awareness about ocean protection for our lives...
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Francois Marmion
Nov 26, 20201 min read
Green Journey - Episode 2: le nettoyage des métaux lourds par les plantes
Green Journey est une initiative originale de trois étudiants de l'EM Lyon, Jayson Jézéquel, Victor Hybois et Paul Bailly qui ont décidé...
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