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Francois S. Marmion
Nov 1, 20244 min read
Seed bombing: when drones are planting trees!
We have seen so many images recently of drones being used in conflicts that it is almost recomforting to see them used to bomb... not...
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Francois S. Marmion
Oct 25, 20236 min read
The future of war: first lessons learned from Ukraine
The war between Ukraine and Russia is the first large-scale conventional war of the 21st century. It will shape the way major powers...
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Francois S. Marmion
Oct 19, 20231 min read
Air delivery is becoming prime
Amazon has announced that they will roll out their "Prime Air" drone delivery service in the UK and Italy by the end of 2024, in...
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Francois S. Marmion
Oct 11, 20223 min read
Singapore: the port of the future
Singapore is the second container port in the world after Shanghai and has just inaugurated the first phase of its New Generation Port...
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Francois Marmion
Jul 11, 20211 min read
Sous la plage, le futur!
Au milieu des romans de plage, n'hésitez pas à opter pour quelques lectures qui vous feront voyager dans le futur! L'été nous apporte...
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Colette Barbier
Jun 23, 20213 min read
Did autonomous drones attack humans for the first time?​​
A UN report recently suggests that military drones may have attacked an individual autonomously in Libya for the first time in history....
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Francois S. Marmion
Dec 13, 20201 min read
A maritime hydrogen-powered VTOL drone: lots of innovation in one!
The Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands has developed a maritime VTOL drone using a combination of hydrogen and batteries...
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Francois S. Marmion
Nov 13, 20203 min read
An army of robots in the 2030s: is it good or bad news for human beings?
During the "Battle of the 300 champions" in antique Greece (546 B.C.), the cities of Sparta and Argos agreed to have only three hundred...
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Francois Marmion
Oct 4, 20201 min read
Un taxi volant testé en Ile de France en vue des jeux Olympiques
Un taxi volant de la société allemande Volocopter, avec 18 moteurs et 9 batteries va être testé dans le cadre d'un projet impliquant ADP,...
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Francois Marmion
Jul 28, 20201 min read
Les vidéos les plus cools sur le futur!
Futuria a sélectionné pour vous son top 20 des vidéos les plus intéressantes pour comprendre notre futur proche. Ne manquez pas...
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